What were the highpoints and what event gossip and valuable knowledge can we impart after these first six months? Hmmmm….

Honesty works and is always appreciated. Hand passed hors d’oeuvres taste very good when practically inhaled back in a kitchen tent. Never forget work lights. Never underestimate the value of zip ties. Welcome baskets are fun to put together and can be sooooo much more creative than you may think. Knowing how to put down all the seats in your car is a true skill. Some of the best event planners in town are the best lunch companions (you know who you are!).


Photo Courtesy of Robin Nathan Photography

Weather.com is a bunch of yahoos and I think us ladies at Alchemy Event Studio are better weather prognosticators than those folks with Double Triple Doppler Stormtracker 12000. Phrases like, “let me work on that,” are always better received than a simple “no”. What feels like a wonderful breeze on your skin may in fact be a vicious wind that blows your menu cards hither and yon. Gorgeous flowers make it all perfect. And being able to laugh with our team of vendors and friends and genuinely enjoying it all – even the hard parts – makes it all worth while…